2022 EST Congress

A panel representing the "Forced (Self)translation" research group is set to convene at the 10th Annual Congress of the European Society of Translation Studies, held in 2022 at the University of Oslo, Norway.


Translating Research Knowledge Beyond the Ivory Tower


The pragmatics of translation take on a heightened complexity whenever academic research is reformulated for audiences who are not themselves part of the university research community. Contributors to our panel discuss the interwoven challenges when interlinguistic translations must also account for the transmission of research knowledge over contexts beyond the traditional venues of academic publication, namely, in books and research journals. The panel shows the added complexity of translation processes that must make research accessible for public-facing outlets of knowledge, including popular science magazines, museum exhibits, essays by public intellectuals, and of course university teaching materials, which sit on that sharp edge between the inside and the outside of the academic discourse. In the twenty-first century, university courses incorporate a wide range of new teaching technologies, which allow for new forms of interlinguistic mediation, such as the subtitling of university lectures in multiple languages. This panel is meant to generate discussion of translation’s function as a transmitter of knowledge not only to speakers of different languages, but to differently positioned subjects with different points of entry into the knowledge-making process.

Our panel description is number 33 on the conference website.